Monday, January 19, 2015

Times Passes....interests change...

Time passes by so quickly, here it is ten months since I posted last.  I was sure I was changing the course of my blog to make its subject more than just scrapbooking and card making but alas, I have not stuck with it. Nor have I stuck with my diet. I have gained about 8 pounds back. My treadmill is broke! And it is freezing outside.

So you say, what can I possibly write about?  Well, one of my new interests is couponing. I used to see all those extreme couponing episode on TV when my daughter was enamored by them.  One day on Facebook I joined a couponing group and the rest is history.... 

Couponers are a sub-culture just like paper crafters are. There are so many groups and blogs you couldn't possibly keep up with them. There are good ones and bad ones, there are ethical and unethical couponers. A lot like the world of paper crafting I used to belong too. (Although that didn't save me a penny!)

Had I known the money I could save I would have started doing this years ago.
So I am thinking I should try to stop by and post some of my money saving deals here. Maybe some of my paper crafting friends would like to save some money?  It would give you more spending money for your crafts!

So here are some purchases from the last couple of months. Some for me some for my family.

1.50 plus tax at Kmart 

8.76 at Target
14.96 at Target
So, I will be hopefully making money saving and couponing posts every now and then.

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